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As with all massage therapists and massage establishments, if you have a complaint you would like to take to the state licensing department, you can do so here.
If you would like to verify the legitimacy or current state of Mikki Davis' license, or any massage therapist in the state of Texas, you can do so here. (Mikki Davis, LMT, MTI MT132052, MI4072)
Covid 19 has also slowed down license renewals. Many professionals are under emergency licenses right now. If you have any doubts or questions, please feel free to contact TDLR. Thank you for your diligence and initiative toward your health and well-being. You are more than worth it!
Massage therapy in the State of Texas falls under HIPAA laws. If you would like to learn more about these laws, or to file a complaint, you can do so here.
If a transaction is rejected by your banking institution, a surcharge may be added, and/or you may be required to pay in advance (prepay) for future services. If you do not catch your payments up, you may be dismissed as a client of Barefoot Therapy.